How to move forward this Spring...

As we bust out of the frosty winter mornings and embrace the warmer weather, we can use the seasonal changes to kick start some lifestyle changes we have been "meaning to make". Whether it be making brighter meals, going for morning walks, enjoying the sunlight/fresh air/longer days/seasonal produce or adding some colour to your wardrobe, Spring is a wonderful time to dive in. Starting these small and simple self-care rituals leads to lifelong habits. 

What I have learnt from practicing as a dietitian and as a person is that it is very difficult to succeed when we don't prioritise ourselves. It is important to ask ourselves "Why?". Why do we struggle to prioritise ourselves. It can be the most challenging thing to do. To say "yes" to what we need, and without guilt. Without mum guilt, daughter guilt, granddaughter guilt, work guilt, friends’ guilt. But often, no one is harder on us than ourselves. Be kind to yourself, choose happiness, look after yourself, envision your best self, and choose that version every day. The secret to physical health is respecting ourselves, enough to put ourselves first, and to do that, we often need to work through challenges and traumas in our mind, and in our life. It is a journey, but a journey we can take small steps towards each day.

Some ideas for building spring healthy habits include...
-Move your body each day, even a 10-15 min in the morning or afternoon
-Embrace colour, in what we wear, in places we visit, in food we eat
-Surround yourself with good people and positive energy
-Take time to sit and enjoy something you like doing
-Take time to reflect
-Visit the beach/bodies of water (proven to calm our minds and bodies)
-Start the day with your favourite coffee

Our mind and bodies are the center pin for health. It is vital that we nurture both. We can't look after everyone else if we aren't looking after ourselves.

If you are struggling mentally, reach out to a friend, a GP, a counsellor, a psychologist, because life's too short to be unhappy and overwhelmed with life.

Keep your eyes out for upcoming meal plans (taking the time and thinking burden out of healthy meals), lifestyle courses (designed to support you on your health journey), and Instagram/Facebook for recipes, tips and tricks to make health easier!

Have a wonderful warm and sunny month! Let the good vibrations guide you, it’s time to put yourself first <3


Lets talk about... HORMONES

